Don’t Forget to Self-Market

I read an eclectic mix. I bet you do, too. I bet you have several books (fiction and nonfiction) with bookmarks holding the spots where you stopped, maybe a book (or two) of poetry, and maybe – for some of us – a screenplay and stage play or two?

The world of writing is diverse and wide, and I wonder often why I pick up the particular books I choose to read. I really don’t think there is any one common denominator except for…marketing, in all the varied and myriad forms that takes.

Word of mouth is the best, a reference from a reliable friend. But there are certainly other ways, as well.

For readers, we sit back, and something pops up for us. For writers, however, we need to make sure it is our work that pops. And in this age of limited budgets and limited staff, whether you are a traditionally-published author or a self-published author, self-marketing is vital.

I know. We really only want to write. Yeah, me, too. But writing now is only half the job description…for writers of EVERY level. I was talking with an international bestselling author yesterday who said it never ends, even for international bestselling authors.

Whether we are trying to climb to the top, or we are trying to maintain a place at the top, it’s up to each of us as writers to be proactive and constantly – constantly – promote our works and ourselves (don’t forget us) so the right readers find us.

Whether it comes from networking at events, reaching out to publishers in our genre, reaching out to influencers on the web, or even our simple social media comments, the process of self-marketing is crucial.

Don’t beat people over the head, but it never hurts to remind someone you have a new book. If they’re really fans, they will want to know.

One other thing…

Even if you have a publicity budget from your publisher, don’t ever forget that you know your work better than anyone else, you know its audience, you know the passion behind it, and – even if you have the best publisher and publicity departments known to the world with unlimited budgets and unlimited personnel (we wish) – you are still the best ambassador for your work. Readers want to know YOU.

Out of everyone, when it comes to your work, you are the best one to bring it to readers’ attention.

So don’t be shy.


Today, think about what you could do to take that extra step to reach, maybe, just five more readers. Just ten (who will then tell their friends). And then tomorrow, maybe try to reach out to five more.

Your words deserve it. You deserve it.

I think you’ll be pleased.

Just five.

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Clay Stafford

Empowering Writers. Creating Stories That Matter.

Clay Stafford has had an eclectic career as an author, filmmaker, actor, composer, educator, public speaker, and founder of the Killer Nashville International Writers' Conference, voted the #1 writers' conference in the U.S. by The Writer magazine. He has sold nearly four million copies of his works in over sixteen languages. As CEO of American Blackguard Entertainment, he is also the founder of Killer Nashville Magazine and the streaming educational service The Balanced Writer. He shares his experiences here. Subscribe to his weekly newsletter featuring Success Points for writers and storytellers.


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