Write and Don’t Look Back

Exceptional writers are often hindered not by their lack of talent or skill but by their self-doubt. We frequently convince ourselves that our work is inadequate and our thoughts are not worth sharing. In our pursuit of security, we overlook that genuine security in art is derived from our unwavering belief in our voice and our vision. This self-belief is the cornerstone of writing with confidence and authenticity, which are crucial for engaging the reader.

Why did you write that? How many of us have heard this?

How can you be so insensitive? How many of us have heard this?

As a critic friend said, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”

Welcome to the writer’s life.

As a writer, you are not just a storyteller but a world-shaper. You must be assertive in what you say, pugnacious in what you believe, and fearless in sharing your ideas. Your task is to portray the world as you see it without worrying about how your words are received. If you write with conviction and in the spirit of all that is higher in each of us, you can inspire and include all of us. This perspective will help you overcome any self-doubt or criticism that may come your way.

A writer must realize that whatever he writes will not appeal to everyone. Some will never like it. Some will hate it. Some will even take it upon themselves to attack you for it. That’s their problem, not yours. You hit a button in them. Maybe, just maybe, you might have been so good at what you did that you will help their indignation lead to their transformation. Audacious? Maybe so. And, of course, haters abound. Let them abound wherever they want. With your characters, tell the truth. Write with love. Do not be afraid. You know your heart. You know why you put those words on the page or portrayed a character that way. You know if your writing was clean.

Tell the story that someone must hear. Need permission? Here you go. Take all the permission you need. Write. Write the truth. Write your experience. Write with compassion and fairness for all. Write to inform wherever that leads. And don’t look back

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Clay Stafford

Clay Stafford has had an eclectic career as an author, filmmaker, actor, composer, educator, public speaker, and founder of the Killer Nashville International Writers' Conference, voted the #1 writers' conference in the U.S. by The Writer magazine. He has sold nearly four million copies of his works in over sixteen languages. He shares his experiences here.


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