Why should we care about creativity? Because it's not just a concept, it's a tool that can give our lives meaning and expression. In the end, it is our life.

Creativity is a broad term that we often overlook. It's not just about art or music, it's about the unique ways we express ourselves. It has enriched my life, and I hope that at least some of my work has enriched the lives of others. The same can and should be said of you, your creativity, and your life. I hope you can say that. It is a life lived, a life expressed, and an honest and genuine life shared.

There's a unique joy in problem-solving that comes from creativity. It's like viewing a hologram from a different angle, new ideas present themselves. This is the essence of creativity, and it's a thrilling journey.

I like getting the most out of life, and this comes from creativity. I’m easily bored, so I constantly look for things to improve, modify, or build to keep me excited. Seeing these things is the essence of creativity, the ability to take disjointed and sometimes opposite things and combine them to create a unique experience.

Creativity in all areas of life is the key to living an extraordinary life. It’s not just about writing or artistic endeavors. It's about the unique experiences we create with our loved ones, the meals we cook, the new lamp we buy, and how we capture the sunset with our iPhones.

When I find something missing or a deficit, I take a moment to see the solution, solve the problem, and devise an alternative. This is the basic definition of creativity. It’s not just writing stories; it is living one’s life.

Humans have two competing personality traits that work against each other constantly. One is self-preservation, which causes us to be cautious. The other is self-expression, which causes us to throw abandon to the wind. Both are in constant conflict, for both are fundamental parts of who we are. But, like fight-or-flight, we need to look at the cautious side in an appropriate context. There are times to be self-preserving, but not all the time. Growth will only come from the creative side. In the context of creativity, self-preservation can be seen as the voice of reason that keeps us from taking unnecessary risks. At the same time, self-expression is the force that drives us to explore new ideas and possibilities. Balancing these two traits is crucial in fostering a healthy and productive creative process.

What impedes creativity? Not enough opportunities. Not enough encouragement. Too many obstacles. We can solve these impediments. We can create our opportunities by stepping outside our life box (and isn’t this what creativity is, anyway, a way to view the normal as something unique?). Sometimes, unfortunately, encouragement doesn’t come from places we would like it to come. Family members and friends are not always the best for encouraging us to expand, grow, and be different. They have an idea of who we are and do not want that idea to be changed or challenged. Sometimes, then, you have only to rely on yourself. You must push yourself by your own will out of your box. It’s worth it, though. You grow. And, as you grow, others will grow with you, though it may not seem that way at first, but eventually, they will come to see you as you now are, the butterfly and not the caterpillar, cocoon, or larvae. And obstacles? We all have those. That is a part of life. If it were easy to live a creative life without being deliberate, compromising, or uncomfortable, everyone would live this fulfilling life that many only dream of. You must dream it first, and that’s true, but then you need to step up and make it real. That takes courage, which is easier for some than others but something we innately have within us if we tap into it.

Embrace your originality. Think creatively to move yourself to a different position from where you are. What can you do to enrich your life? What can you do by expressing who you are that enriches the lives of others? Do those things, and do them with confidence. Do them today.

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Clay Stafford

Empowering Writers. Creating Stories That Matter.

Clay Stafford has had an eclectic career as an author, filmmaker, actor, composer, educator, public speaker, and founder of the Killer Nashville International Writers' Conference, voted the #1 writers' conference in the U.S. by The Writer magazine. He has sold nearly four million copies of his works in over sixteen languages. As CEO of American Blackguard Entertainment, he is also the founder of Killer Nashville Magazine and the streaming educational service The Balanced Writer. He shares his experiences here. Subscribe to his weekly newsletter featuring Success Points for writers and storytellers.


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