Yesterday, a friend told me, “Oh, I’m not creative,” to which I replied, “Oh, yes, you are.” We are all creative. Some of us use it more than others. Some of us have developed it more than others. Some of us give ourselves permission to “look silly” more than others. Creativity puts us and what we create out in front of everyone else. That can be intimidating. It shouldn’t be, but we associate the good or bad of creations (a truly subjective judgment) as an extension of ourselves, and that’s not the thing to do.

Creativity takes all forms, and it covers all aspects of our lives. My friend (above) referred to her writing skills, but creativity can apply to anything we are, to be trite, thinking outside the box, making something new, and seeing things with a new perspective.

My goal for everyone I meet, whether through my writing or my in-person interactions, is to encourage people to be creative or, more accurately, to use their creativity. Each of us is an individual, and we bring new creative juices to everything we touch, things that are completely unable to be replicated by anyone other than each of us. I want you to be creative. It is in you. I always tell groups that I can’t teach them to be creative, but I can help them express what is already inside them and waiting to come out. This is what I tried to do with my friend. She left the conversation yesterday on a high, promising to use her unique skills. After the excitement wears down and the work begins, we’ll see if my positive encouragement took. But remember, the creative journey is not about immediate results, it's about the process. Either way, though, I planted the seed, and I'm confident it will grow.

I have made a career out of creativity. It is possible. It is doable. For me, it is the ultimate job. I get to create new things, and the joy I get from this process is unparalleled. For you and me, however, creativity is not limited to some products we can sell or share with others. It is a way of life that, once you let yourself go, you’ll see it start to spill over into all areas of your life: the things you cook, the things you wear, the activities and conversations you have with your spouse or your children. Once you start being creative, you’ll find creativity being used in every aspect of your life. It is not a skill. It is a way of life, and it brings immense joy and fulfillment. Let this joy and fulfillment be your guide as you embark on your creative journey.

I believe we are all creatively inclined beings. Otherwise, I wouldn’t spend my life presenting to diverse groups such as the Miami International Press Club, the Chongqing Acrobats of China, or the U.S. Department of Defense. I think creativity applies to all people, all vocations, and all projects. I believe creativity is what makes us distinctly human. You are not alone in your creative journey. You are part of a vast community of individuals who, like you, are exploring and expressing their creativity in various ways.

A creative life comes from living creatively. What is creativity? It's not a complicated concept. It's about seeing something in a new way, taking things that don’t go together and suddenly seeing them as connected. Maybe it is based upon my much-quoted belief in Socrates' thesis, antithesis, and synthesis principle. The synthesis is creativity. How does it happen? It happens on its own. Do you make it happen? No, it is so much a part of being human that rather than making it happen, you let it happen. You encourage it to happen.

Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you are not creative. If someone around you says they are not creative like you, encourage them to rethink their perception. Creativity does not emerge because of the blocks we carry, such as insecurities, past embarrassments, and pains. Help others get over those blocks. Take the blocks out of your own life. You have the power to overcome these blocks and unleash your creativity. Believe in yourself and your creative potential.

In all things, seek to be creative every day and in everything you do. If you’re not used to it, the process will come slowly, but step by incremental step, the impediments to creativity will fall away. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have experienced. Creativity is in you. Creativity is yours. Like any skill, bringing forth creativity takes practice and patience. Let go of your fears. List the fears. Get out of your way. Be open to ruining a new dish you are creating in the kitchen or wasting your time spending three days writing a short story that doesn’t go anywhere. Creativity is trial and error, success and failure. It is the epitome of the idea of enjoying the journey. Like you used to do with crayons as a kid, pull out your box of colors and create a palette. Where it goes, no one knows, but you’ll never know until you try. And, saying this, don’t focus on where it goes. Instead, focus on the fun of creation. That is an end unto itself. If you’re a writer, the best first step is to start writing. Good or bad, well-written or not, intriguing or boring, it doesn’t matter what comes out. Just write.

The transitions and transformations I have seen have been tremendous, even for some of the most boxed thinkers in the world, such as the U.S. Department of Defense. Even they can learn to see things in a new way. If they can do it, traditional as they are, you certainly, as an individual, can accomplish it and go so much further. I want you to learn to feel it and capitalize on it. Get out of your way and let you emerge. We are wired to create. Create something extraordinary today.

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Clay Stafford

Empowering Writers. Creating Stories That Matter.

Clay Stafford has had an eclectic career as an author, filmmaker, actor, composer, educator, public speaker, and founder of the Killer Nashville International Writers' Conference, voted the #1 writers' conference in the U.S. by The Writer magazine. He has sold nearly four million copies of his works in over sixteen languages. As CEO of American Blackguard Entertainment, he is also the founder of Killer Nashville Magazine and the streaming educational service The Balanced Writer. He shares his experiences here. Subscribe to his weekly newsletter featuring Success Points for writers and storytellers.


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